Sunday 10 May 2009


At this stage I'm still quite stuck for ideas - taking a week off for my dads wedding in Cyprus has really taken its toll, most people already seem to be finalising their ideas and I've only just started mind-mapping, I better get a move on!

One of the ideas I've had is to create a deck of cards that could go in a 'freshers pack' and each card would have a tip on how to avoid being late, replacing the normal imagery. I was doing some research into how other designers have approached the design of playing cards and I came across this:

Its a nice approach, really simple vector artwork but the aesthetics are appealing. I think that if I go with the deck of cards idea I'll also use vector graphics but I think I'll include a lot more colour in my work.

After viewing that piece of work I decided to check out the rest of his website and I was really taken back. He has 2 main portfolio sections, one for 2007 and one for 2008 but the amount of work that is in each section is incredible! It makes my work ethic seem terrible in comparison.
Nonetheless theres some ace stuff on there and heres some of the things that got my attention:

He uses a technique which he calls the "vectorfunk" style. I'd attempt to put the description into words but thankfully he has already done that on his website... this is what he has to say, "I have worked in this style for years, constantly evolving and expanding my visual vocabulary. Shapes, textures, patterns, colors… The viewer’s eye will dance. Whether it is a realistic rendering of a car, a stylized portrait, or a psychedelic abstraction, I will deliver a unique illustration with just the right amount of "whoa" and “crazy"."

Mountain Dew bottle design to celebrate 4th of July (Independance day).

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