Sunday 10 May 2009

Manifesto - Reflection/Evaluatoin of myself as a designer

Who I used to be:

Someone who used to have a very closed-off approach to work practice. I would come up with an idea in my head and go down a very linear route and because I was such a control freak I wouldn’t pay much attention to input from others. My art teacher in 6th form would often tell me that I was a perfectionist and would spend way too much time doing exploring one idea in my sketchbook in every possible detail rather than making quick sketches from many ideas or trying out new methods then filtering them out and going with what was best.
I also think that because my 6th form was really limited in terms of resources and under-staffed, and my foundation gave much more attention to fashion/fine art students and not much to graphics I had not been able to explore all that is available bar what I could teach myself and I came into the course with a limit on the amount of ways to approach my work.
I was also very un-organised, this is something that’s always been a problem for me – I’ll freely admit that I’m not the most practical of people and often daydream, lost within my own thoughts and sometimes forget about what’s important and therefore don’t always have my priorities set.

Who I am now:

Someone who is a lot more open-minded. I tend to explore a larger range of options now before settling on one idea however I still think I have a long way to go – I think I’ve personally made an improvement but I still get a lump in my throat when I look at how much visual development others do. I think I sometimes throw away ideas that I have to easily sometimes and don’t document them like I should as others do, even though they might be irrelevant in the end, they may be something I’ll look back on and be inspired.
I feel as if I used this year to really explore a range of approaches to my work, being in an environment where there are so many talented designers working in their own unique methods has been such an inspiration to me and a driving force for me to develop my own unique practice.
I’ve tried my hand at print, crafting, video, stop motion, web design, photography (digital and chemical) and my software skills have improved greatly. I still kick myself for missing that book binding workshop though.
I feel that even though I’ve achieved this, I’ve gained a lot of skills in various approaches but haven’t developed any particular speciality approaches.
I feel I’m a lot more organised, I feel that the sheer amount of work we are given plus being away from home for the first time initially stressed me out incredibly and I really struggled to cope with it all, but I think it’s forced me to adapt and without realising I’ve become a lot more focused. On a more negative note, I think I’m a very introspective person and I feel as if I’ve lost touch with myself a bit as I hardly have any time to myself anymore.

Who I intend to be:

Someone who exhausts all their options is constantly looking various sources and artists for inspiration and is always evaluating and documenting their work. I aim to be a lot more visual with my development.
I want to continue exploring a wider range of approaches to my work, for instance I still want to better my screen-printing skills, explore more traditional methods such as letter-press and learn how to use Adobe After Effects. At the same time though, I want to develop a speciality style. I think a future employer will prefer someone who is a master at a specific style/skill than someone who is a jack of all trades but a master of none.
Somehow become more organised, I’ve tried to better this so many times and I think although I have made an improvement I still have a long way to go. Its something which I do not find easy at all but I do aim to manage my time in a way that I can set a routine get my work done without stressing too much and set aside specific times where I can have time to myself which I value.

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