Sunday 1 March 2009

Recognition Day - Final Design

The design I chose for my final was type only. After comparing the designs and evaluating crit feedback I decided that simple is better and that type-only best communicates the idea.

I went through quite a few versions, including variations of message (i.e. apology as apposed to foregivness), variations of aesthetics including font-face, colours, kerning, line spacing etc.

The following image shows a few of these versions with the last image being the final:

You can see from the images above that I was originally was going for a very serious, negative tone but thought that people would be more drawn and influenced by a more positive message.

I was inspired by these Bupa adverts:

When watching the adverts I do feel very calm which is probably attributed mostly to the soundtrack and vox but I think the colours that were used play a very important role. They have used a very pastelly colour pallete, which is quite soothing as the colours don't contrast as much with each other as they would if they were very saturated, I used this method when choosing the colour scheme for my design.

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